Business as Missions

BAM is a real, ethical and sustainable business providing a platform for missions in the marketplace.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” –

Covenant Business as Missions (BAM) seeks to build a missional community that makes Jesus known and makes disciples in the marketplace. Following Jesus and doing business His way, we seek to mobilise Christian businesses to use their business as a platform pointing the lost to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. We are the delivery system of God’s grace and mercy to business counterparts, suppliers, employees, customers, competitors including regulators and government authorities.

We are the salt and light in the way we ought to do business, following Jesus, thus becoming Fishers of men.

What does BAM do?


In every BAM seminar and workshop, we actively seek to tear down the unbiblical sacred-and-secular divide. We advocate that the business we run are our altar of worship, our living sacrifice unto the Lord.

Covenant EFC advocates that a BAM business is one which aligns its Profit motive to God’s Purpose of redemption (), as well as to love and serve People () and to take care of God’s created Planet (). BAM is a 4Ps business.


We give advice on business viability including business plans, financials, cash flows, operational efficiency, corporate structure and governance, among others, to foster God-glorifying sustainability and excellence.


When business fails, discipleship and mentoring become critical. Covenant BAM journeys with those business owners going through setbacks and business challenges and failures. We also come alongside those who desire to integrate missions into their business in fulfilling God’s calling.


Covenant BAM casts visions through seminars and workshops to mobilise pastors, church and business leaders to train, equip and empower their church business community for works of service and in fulfilling the Great Commission.

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service … ” –


In poor countries and communities, we invest in sustainable business to create jobs and wealth. By assuming financial risks, and through advocacy and mobilisation, we demonstrate our Father’s love paving the way for the Gospel and the Great Commission (). BAM seeks to restore the dignity of work and provide long-term livelihood.

Why do we do BAM?

To help build a missional business community, making Jesus known in the marketplace. It rediscovers the sacred missions entrusted to the businesspeople, long lost in the singular pursuit of money as the sole reason for business. God has a much bigger plan than mere profits; it is for the glory of His name and for the salvation of mankind. The marketplace is where the lost are found and awaits rescue from eternal condemnation. The love of Christ compels the Christian business community to be the bearers of Good News, and to be the salt and light in the dark world of business in the marketplace.

We believe that God is choosing to redeem business and use it in a significant way for the future of missions.